Exploring Consciousness Together: Entheogenic Ceremony, Integration & Immersions

For thousands of years, in cultures around the world, entheogens have been used to connect people to nature, the cosmos, and each other.

As We Wake is a 501(c)(3) organization that holds entheogenic experiences in a sacred and reverent light. We believe in the power of entheogens to connect people to Interbeing, the profound awareness of who and what you really are. With this awareness comes deeper integrity, understanding, and joy.

We offer education, ceremonies, preparation and integration, as well as immersive experiences in La Jolla, CA.

Entheogenic Ceremony

Experience personalized entheogenic preparation, ceremony & integration with a professional facilitator.

Coaching & Integration

We offer opportunities for individual, group, and community-based psychedelic integration with our highly trained specialists.


Dive into immersive experiential integration, weaving together practices, education, and discussion to help your journey translate into embodied change.