AWW Community Events in
La Jolla, CA

Upcoming events

Medicine Festival & Europe Trip
to Aug 19

Medicine Festival & Europe Trip

Join us on our trip to Europe to explore London and spend 5 days camping at the Medicine Festival, where you will learn about indigenous medicine and more from other cultures around the world!

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Hosted by the As We Wake team at our cottages in La Jolla, CA, each event will inspire self-transcendence through fun group activities.

Join us for yoga workshops, cacao ceremonies, movie nights, dance parties, and much more – all perfect opportunities to meet new people and kick back in community.

Want to host an event at the cottages?

We love to collaborate!
Click the button below to learn more and apply.

Is La Jolla too far from home? We offer many opportunities for you to get to know our community from afar, like international retreats and our online membership.