Elemental Interbeing Immersions

Rooted in the Zen philosophy of Interbeing and guided by expert facilitators, you'll embark on a sacred journey that weaves together powerful teachings and practices centered on four core aspects of self-mastery, each corresponding to the four core elements: ease (water), passion (fire), transcendence (air), and connection (earth). These experiences will expand your boundaries while challenging and empowering you to live with greater alignment, fulfillment, and newfound vitality. We offer experiences internationally and on-site in La Jolla, CA.

Upcoming Immersions

Elemental Self-Mastery

La Jolla, CA
November 4-10

$1000 mind blowing 5-day immersion:

  • Surf Lessons, Sensory Deprivation Tank, Dance, Yoga, Meditation, Trail Running, and more!!!

  • 2 healthy meals each day

  • Expert facilitators

$1400 accommodations for 7 days (optional)

6 total spots available

Join us by the panoramic coastline of La Jolla, CA for a profoundly transformative 7-day Self-Mastery Immersion.

  • Deep dive into the qualities of ease (embrace, integrity, attunement, understanding). We will flow through the practices of surfing, cold plunge, breath hold, and sensory deprivation. Sacramental psilocybin optional.

  • Fire up your day with an exploration of the qualities of passion (heart, commitment, expression and courage). We will move into the explosive practices of a thigh fire trail run, fire ceremony, and symbolic dance.

  • Soar into an exploration of the qualities of transcendence (unity, surrender, humor, gratitude). Elevate yourself through the practices of breath-work, sky diving, and death meditation. Sacramental 5-MeO ceremony optional.

  • Root into an exploration of the qualities of presence (mindfulness, trust, strength and integration). Settle into the practices of earthing, yoga, meditation, and animal connection.

Schedule & Info

General Daily Flow

8:00am: Breakfast & Theory Talk

9:00am: Immersion Experience

12:00pm: Lunch & Theory Talk

1:00pm: Immersion Experience

7:00pm: Dinner & Integration

*additional adventures interspersed

Price: The base price of each immersion is $1,000, which includes two meals per day and an incredible array of immersive experiences.

Partial scholarships are available on all of our trips in exchange for support with: videography / content posting, cooking, or other offerings that may help As We Wake grow

Questions? Feel free to reach out to aswewake.info@gmail.com with any questions about logistics, flights, itinerary, etc.

Past Retreats

Retreat Testimonials

  • “Over the past year plus I have been battling serious periods of depression and anxiety, and have really been questioning what the purpose of my life really is. I feel like I do all the right things yet have felt so disconnected and alone in this world. It was only through God‘s miracle in an answered prayer that I got invited on a AWW retreat, where I felt like a part of my soul that had been buried and hurt for so long was brought back to life! At the end of the day, our life is only measured by how much we loved in the experiences we made and this retreat not only helped me to remember that but I’m sure will be a memory I remember through the rest of my life. If you’re reading this, I hope you have as powerful of an experience as I did, and I’ll see you on the next retreat!”


    Bocas del Toro (Winter 2024)

  • "I'm so glad I went! This was my first real introduction to mindfulness, but I felt right at home with our group and had no trouble participating and contributing. Although we kept ourselves busy throughout the weekend in and around the beautiful seaside house in Montauk, I felt totally recharged when I got back to the city on Sunday evening. It was a very serene experience — I remember ignoring my phone so as not to spoil the feeling. I highly recommend the As We Wake retreats to anyone interested. Come with an open heart and mind, and you'll be treated to a perfect weekend."


    Long Island (Summer 2017)

  • “As We Wake is full of genuine, positive, and caring souls. These retreats have the potential to change lives and overcome trauma. I highly recommend an As We Wake retreat to anyone who wants an affordable healing experience and a safe introduction to psychedelics. Tomas and his team care far more about helping you and the world than turning a profit. Grab one of their retreats before they start selling out and have to raise prices — because they’re going to!”


    Bocas del Toro (Winter 2024)